Here you can find the Frequently Asked Questions by Students to Brightspace support. The questions are divided in the following categories:
How do I log in to Brightspace?
Go to, a login screen will appear. For more information about logging into Brightspace read the following article: How do I log into Brightspace?
My account does not work
Check if you can log into the university's account services. If you cannot log in directly to ULCN either, there may be a general problem with your user account. Please send an email to [email protected]. They can help you with generic account problems!
If the problem only occurs in Brightspace, please send us a screenshot of the error message so we can further investigate where the problem may lie. Read Contacting the Brightspace Support Team on how to contact us.
How do I check if my application to Leiden University is completed?
Only after your application to Leiden University is definetly completed, you gain access to Brightspace. You can check your application status in uSis.

Navigate to uSis and in the selfservice screen click on Application Study Programme.

Check in the next screen if your Application Status is completed.
If your application is NOT set on completed you do not have access to Brightspace yet. If you have any questions about your application status, please check this online FAQ on Applications or contact the Students Affairs Front Office via this form.
I cannot hand in my Assignment
For more information on assignment submission problems, read the following article: Assignments - Problem Solving for Students
Why can’t I see my feedback?
Feedback is placed under Assignments. If you want to read your feedback click Course Tools > Assignments. You will land on a summary page of the assignments for this course. For more information on how to find your assignments, read the following article: Where can I find my previously turned in assignments?
If an old assignment is no longer listed, the instructor has hidden it from students. Please contact the instructor of your course.
If an assignment is marked Not yet evaluated, the instructor has not yet graded it.
If an assignment states Feedback: Read or Feedback: Unread, you can view the feedback by clicking Read/Unread.
Brightspace Access and Courses
How do I enroll for a course?
You register for courses in uSis, you will automatically be added to the course in Brightspace. Please be referred to this article for more information.
How do I enroll for groups in Brightspace?
Under Groups you can click View Available Groups for a list of the groups you can join. Choose a group and click Join Group. The group is now listed under My Groups. For more information on signing up for groups read the following article: How do I sign up for groups within the course?
I am a new student, when can I log into Brightspace?
Students starting their studies in September 2021 will be able to log into Brightspace from the second half of July 2021. A prerequisite is that your registration is complete.
From that moment on you can log in with your student number and password.
Access to courses is obtained by registering in uSis. See this article for more information.
Why can’t I log in to Brightspace as an alumnus?
As an Alumnus of Leiden University you cannot log into Brightspace with your (former) s-number. Only students with a current enrollment at Leiden University have access to Brightspace and other educational systems.
If you want to follow a course at the University as an alumnus, you can contact the administration of that particular department and/or faculty. They may be able to arrange for you to have access to Brightspace with a new guest account: you will be given a new login name. If approved, they will also arrange for you to be registered with the course in Brightspace.
Brightspace General
I cannot open or find my course in Brightspace
For more info on why you can't see a course on Brightspace, read the following article: When do I get access to Brightspace and my courses? AND Search for courses
I don’t see any content in Brightspace
For more info on why you can't see content in Brightspace, read the following article: Why can't I see all the content in a course?
I cannot open a video
For more information on problems opening videos, refer to the following article: Why do I see an access denied message when I want to view a Kaltura video in Brightspace?
What notifications do I receive and how can I set that up?
For more information on setting notifications, read the following article: How do I change my email notifications?
Is there a Brightspace app available?
We do not recommend using the Brightspace apps. There are several apps available in the app store, but we do not support these apps. Using the apps is therefore your own responsibility.
Brightspace is scalable on your screen in the browser, so we recommend using the regular website instead of an app.
Why can't I see a Discussion?
For more information on why you cannot see a discussion, read the following article: Why can't I see a Discussion?
Where can I see my grades?
Click Grades in the navbar of your course. You land on the Grades homepage.
On this page you will find all the courses that are (or can be) graded. Teachers can choose which courses they will grade on Brightspace, and whether they will only enter the grades in uSis. In addition, instructors can choose which information is shown for each component.
For more information click here: Grades homepage
Why can’t I see my grade?
For information on where you might see your grades, read Where Can I See My Grades?
Does a Grade Item have only dashes (-) in it? If so, the instructor has not yet given a grade through this item.
Is the name of a grade not in your grade sheet? The instructor has not yet created this Grade Item or it is hidden from students. Please contact your instructor first if you think the grade should be visible.
How can I delete an attempt of a quiz?
As a student, you are not allowed to delete a quiz attempt. Please contact your teacher if you want a quiz attempt to be deleted.
System requirements
Which browser versions are supported?
You might see the following message when trying to reach Brightspace:

Brightspace supplier D2L does not support every browser. The following browsers are not supported:
- Microsoft Legacy Edge
- Internet Explorer
The following browser versions (and older) are not supported:
- Chrome 67
- Android Chrome 67
- Firefox 67
- macOS Safari 12
- Chrome OS Chrome 67
- iOS Safari 11
If you see this message, it means that you are using an older version of the browser. We advise you to update your browser. This message appears when you are using one of the following browsers:
- Chrome 90
- Chrome OS Chrome 90
- Mobile Chrome 90
- Safari 14
- Mobile Safari 14
- Firefox 88
- Chromium-based Microsoft Edge 90
How do I contact support?
For more info on contacting the Brightspace support Team, read the following article: Contacting the Brightspace Support Team
I cannot enter the Kaltura Live room
A teacher can link to a Kaltura Liveroom in two ways:
- The instructor has made the Kaltura Liveroom link available through the Kaltura Media Gallery. This is not reflected in the course content. Go to Course Tools > Kaltura Media Gallery. Then click on the Join Live Room button.
- The instructor has made a link available in the course content. Click on the link in the content.
Is it unclear how the instructor set up the Kaltura Liveroom? If so, please contact the instructor.
If the instructor is not yet in the Liveroom, students cannot access the Liveroom. You will receive a notification of this when opening.
I receive an error/ access denied
Make sure your browser is always updated, also read Update your browser.
Is your browser up-to-date? Then try another browser or clear the cookies and cache of your current browser.
Clear your cache and cookies
Below are links for each of the supported browsers with guidance to do so.
Mac OSX: