If you have received a self enrollment link you can enroll into a course within Brightspace.
Be aware that the self enrollment link does NOT register your enrollment in uSis.
The self enrollment link can be provided for courses for which you cannot enroll via uSis or for courses for which you also can enroll via uSis.
For courses for which there is no uSis enrollment available the link provides the possibility to enroll as a student into the course.
For courses for which there is also an uSis enrollment available the link provides the possibility to enroll into the course as a 'student observer'. This means that you can only observe materials in this course but you cannot participate for credit and you cannot hand in assignments. If you want to participate for credit in a course for which there is also an uSis enrollment; you should always enroll via uSis. In this case the self enrollment link provides the possibility to e.g. review course materials of a course you already took or e.g. take a sneak peak into a course you are considering taking for credit but are not sure about yet.
If you are already logged into Brightspace when you click on the link you received you will find the enrollment button.
If you are not logged into Brightspace when you click on the link you are required to log in first and then you will find the enrollment button.
When you click on the Enrollment button you will receive a message that you you are successfully enrolled. It may take a minute before your course is available in the My Course widget.
If you are already enrolled in the course for which you received a link then you will see that you are already enrolled when you click on the link. You can now open the course by clicking on the 'Open Course' button.
What happens when you first enroll into a course via the self enrollment link and then decide to take the course for credit and enroll via uSis?
Your uSis enrollment will always overrule the enrollment through the self enrollment link. That is, when you enroll via uSis you will always be able to fully participate in a course for credit.
If you want to unenroll for a course for which you used the self enrollment link, you can use the same link to unenroll. Click on the link en then click on the three dots. You can now unenroll.
This way of unenrolling only works for courses for which you used the self enrollment link to enroll. If you enrolled for a course via uSis and you want to unenroll, you should unenroll via uSis.
If you no longer have access to the self enrollment link, you can unenroll from the course by appending the URL listed below with the 4 or 5 digit number in the address bar of your browser when you are in the home screen of the course you want to unenroll from.

Once you have added the digits of the course the URL looks like this:
Enter this URL in the address bar of your browser and press enter and the use the Unenroll option to unenroll from the course.