Table of contents
For questions regarding courses and enrollment, please contact your Education Administration Office.
For questions regarding the student portal and MyStudymap, please contact the Support Team.
Logging in
Why am I unable to log in to the student portal?

Pre-master students, advanced/educative master students, guest students, contract students or exchange students will encounter the above message when trying to log in to student portal. These students use usis to arrange their study related affairs and can contact the education administration office if additional help is required.
Students are able to log in to the student portal 60 days before the start of their study. Students who start in February will have access to the student portal as of December.
Please try the steps below:
Try to see if you can log in via another browser and use the correct link It may also help to clear your browser's cookies and cache. Make sure you are using the latest version of the browser. Close all open browsers completely and start a new session. A short guide on how to do that can be found here.
In addition, check whether you can log in at If you are also unable to log in directly to ULCN, there may be a general problem with your user account.
If the problem only occurs in the student portal, please contact the Helpdesk via Please send a screenshot of the error, which browser and which operating system you are using. This way we can further investigate what might be the problem.
How do I sign out of the student portal?
- Click the icon with your initials in the top right corner
- Next, click Sign out of the student portal
Where can I find MyStudymap?
- Log in to the student portal
- Click MyStudyMap on the right side of the page
Where can I find MyTimetable?
- Log in to the student portal
- Click MyTimetable on the right side of the page
Why am I in a waiting room after I have send my enrollment request?
In case of large amounts of request (mainly at the start of the registration period), enrollments cannot be processed simultaneously. In that case, we work with a waiting room that is processed in order of entry. Read HERE how the waiting room works exactly.
I'm a first year student. Why am I unable to enroll in courses?
First year students are typically enrolled by their Education Administration Office. To check whether this is the case for you, please contact your Education Administration Office.
Why can I not enroll for a study activity?
Sometimes it is not possible to click on a study activity. You will be able to see the study activity and in which semester it is given. This means it has not been scheduled yet and you can't enroll yet. This will change automatically during the semester. The reason you are able to see the study activity is that you can take it into account for your planning.
The activity I intended to enroll in is full. What do I do now?
That's very unfortunate. We recommend you try to enroll in a different activity within the same course. Please visit this page to find out more.
In some cases, study activities are marked full before registration has opened and/or remain marked full during the enrollment period. Placement for these activities are done in a different way or at a later moment by the faculty administration. You cannot enroll for these activities via MyStudymap. The faculty will communicate how placement for these activities is done.
I enrolled in a course. Why didn't I receive a notification?
Please check your spam folder; it is likely that the notification was classified as spam.
To prevent future notifications from being classified as spam, you can do the following:
- Open the e-mail message from the student portal that was classified as spam and sent to the spam inbox of your Umail-account.
- At the top of the message, you will see a notification that will allow you to 'trust' the sender [email protected]. Click on 'This message is not spam'. From now on, notifications will be sent directly to your inbox.
Has my enrollment been processed already?
It may take a while for the system to process your enrollment after you have submitted it. In order to check whether your enrollment has been processed correctly, it is advised to check the status of your enrollment in the student portal.
If there are a lot of students registering at the same time, such as at the start of the registration period, it may take longer to process your registration. All registrations are processed in the order in which they were received. Please note that just because your registration is being processed does not automatically mean that you will actually get a spot for that study activity. This is especially important for study activities with a limited number of places. See also this manual for more information. For questions about this, please contact your faculty education administration.
I can't see the study activities I am enrolled in in my concept schedule. Why?
The study activities that are already processed, are no longer visible in your concept schedule in MyStudymap. These activities can now be viewed in MyTimetable. You can read more about MyTimetable here.
Why has my enrollment not been processed in MyTimetable?
Enrollments in MyStudymap are automatically processed in MyTimetable. It could be that your enrollment has not been processed or that there are no avaliable spaces in the activity you enrolled in. Please check the status of your enrollment.
I'm a student at the LUMC, why can't I view my concept schedule?
Unfortunately, this option is not available for LUMC students as of now. We are working on providing access to this option in the future.
I am unable to add a course from the Study Guide, what is wrong?
One possible reason is a mismatch of the activity number between the Study Guide and uSis. Check the number in uSis, or contact your faculty Education Administration Office. Another reason might be that you enrolled in the course before, hence it will already be in your Study plan. In that case, you cannot add the course again.
I am done with planning and want to enroll, but I can't. Why?
You are probably unable to enroll because the enrolling window is not open yet. Here you can find the difference between planning and enrolling.
Furthermore, activities that you selected when planning which are closed in uSis are not yet on the Ready to send screen. You will receive a message that the enrollment was not successful, because the enrollment period has not yet opened. When the activity opens this activity will be shown on the Ready to send screen. There is an exception to this, namely if the activity is still closed and takes place in another semester. These activities are greyed out, because these activities can only be planned in the next semester.
What happens after I have selected my preferences?
After the deadline for selecting your preferences, the course will allocate all students as optimal as possible. Then everyone will be enrolled via uSis. You will receive a notification at the Message Center and the status of the study activity will be changed in the status overview in MyStudymap.
I have selected my preferences for an activity, but I want to change something. Is that possible?
No, unfortunately you cannot change your selected preferences after sending (after you finished the enrollment process). Contact your Education Administration Office for further questions.
I just enrolled in an activity, but I changed my mind and want to unenroll, but I can't. What should I do?
After sending enrollments, it can take a while before the enrollment has been processed. Only after you have officially been enrolled, you can unenroll. Then the inverse is also true, your unenrollment has to be completely processed before can re-enroll in the study activity. You can read more about the processing of enrollments and the checking the enrollment status right here.
I have registered for a study activity but I still want to make some changes, is that possible?
Yes you can still adjust things about your schedule. You do this by unenrolling from the study activity you are currently enrolled in. And by enrolling for an activity at a different time, for example. Read more about enrolling here.
I am not a student at the Faculty of Humanities, but I would like to take a Humanities minor. How can I enroll?
Students who do not study at the Faculty of Humanities, but who would like to take a minor there, can enroll in uSis via the regular route. If you follow a minor in a program within the Faculty of Humanities, you are assured of a place in the courses.
Can study activities change in between planning and enrolling?
It could be that changes are made to the scheduling of study activities in the period between planning and enrolling. It is, therefore, strongly recommended that you check your planning before enrolling in order to see whether activities have been changed or added.
Enrolling in exams
Do I need to confirm my participation in exams?
No, once you are enrolled for an exam, your participation is automatically confirmed. However, you need to indicate if you are not participating in the exam through the confirmation page.
It's less than 10 days prior to the exam and I have not enrolled. What can I do?
Contact the Education Administration for your studies and ask them whether you can still be enrolled.
How can I unenroll less than 10 days prior to the exam?
Go to Unenroll exams in the student portal and click Unenroll.
Please note: any changes made less than 10 days prior to the exam cannot be reversed. More information can be found here.
I want to register for a resit but it says closed next to the activity. What does this mean?
If it says Closed next to a study activity that means that the enrollment is not yet open. Depending on your faculty, the enrollment deadline for resits is different than for regular exams. More information on enrolling for exams and confirming participation can be found here.
What are 101 exams and 901 exams?
101 exams are the normal exams. 901 exams are the resit exams.
Study results
Why does a sufficient grade show as an insufficient grade?
As per article 4.1.8 in the Course & Examination Regulations (CER, see the regulations website), students are (under some conditions) allowed to retake an exam that received a passing grade. If a student scores two sufficient grades, one for the normal exam and one for the resit, a sufficient grade may show as an insufficient result when the filter is toggled. In these cases, only one result is valid and is therefore shown as a sufficient, while the other is shown as an insufficient. An example is shown in the images below, where the 6 is marked as insufficient when the toggle is turned on.

How do I change my language preference?
- Log in to the student portal
- Click the icon with your initials in the top right corner of the screen
- Change your language preference
Is there a MyStudymap app available?
Unfortunately there is currently no app available for MyStudyMap. It is possible to access MyStudyMap by logging in to the student portal and then clicking on MyStudyMap. The website can be opened with a computer, a tablet and a smartphone.
I received an error/access denied
Please make sure your browser is updated. Is your browser up-to-date? Then try another browser or clear the cookies and cache of your current browser.
Below are links for each of the supported browsers with guidance to clear the cookies and cache.
Mac OSX:
Why am I missing an academic year in the overview of study plans?
In case you have not logged in to the studentportal throughout the academic year, the study plan for that academic year will not appear in the overview on the studentportal when the planning for the next academic year has started.