Student Support for Educational Systems

How do I make and check my schedule?

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Tip: by making a timetable, you will be sure whether everything fits in your schedule! Note that this does not guarantee that you will actually be able to take the courses.

This article will explain how you can make a schedule for your courses using MyStudyMap.

Select activities

First, open your Study Plan in MyStudyMap. Now you can see which courses you still have to follow. Next, select one or more study activities for which you want to enroll. Do this by selecting a course and clicking Choose activities. Here you can select which activities you want to follow. 

The date and time listed are for the first meeting only! So it can be a different time each week and/or there can be several meetings per week.


For most courses you have to choose a workgroup. The interface looks somewhat different. The tab Workgroup appeared. Select your desired workgroup and press Save.

Concept Schedule

When you are finished selecting your desired study activities, you can now check whether everything fits in your schedule. To find your schedule, press Schedule at the top of the page. You can now check whether you have any overlap between activities and whether all your selected activities appear in your timetable.

If there is an overlap between activities, you will have to decide what is the best solution for you. Go back to your Study Plan to change your choice.The system does not block enrollments with an overlap. If in doubt, contact your study advisor.

The weeks in which activities overlap are marked with a red dot, as can be seen in the example above.

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