Student Support for Educational Systems

How can I unenroll from a course?

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This article explains how you can unenroll from courses and study activities.

Your unenrollment is not definite until you submit it in the Ready for enrollment window and it is properly processed.

Unenroll from the entire course

If you no longer want to take a course for which you are enrolled, you can unenroll from the entire course. You can do this by unchecking the box in your Study planning in MyStudymap. Below you can see an example.

As you can see, you will now also receive a message that the course has been removed. Note: you will still have to confirm your unenrollment by sending it. You do this by pressing Send in the screen below.

Unenroll from a specific study activity

It is of course also possible that you only want to unenroll for one or more individual study activities, but still want to remain registered for the course itself. In the example below, the student is registered for a lecture. You can unenroll by ticking Do not participate and then pressing Save.

For tutorials, the same holds as for lectures. Below is an example of a student who is enrolled for a tutorial. You can unenroll again by clicking Do not enroll for the tutorial at the moment and then pressing Save.

Note: Again, your unenrollment is not final until you have sent it in the Ready for enrollment screen (see above).

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