Student Support for Educational Systems

Getting to know the student portal (what does everything look like and where can I find what?)

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This article will explain how to access the site of the student portal, how to log in, what you can find on the homepage  how to get to the different parts. 

1. How do I get there?

Start your browser and go to, the u-access will then appear. 

2. How do I log in?

See the article How do I log in? for an instruction on how to log in. 

3. What does the homepage look like?

4. Opening the Menu

At the top left of the homepage you will see a menu where you can find MyStudyMap, MyTimeTable, Message center, Exams admission, study results and enrollments. The same menu can also be found on the right side of the homepage. 

If you are enrolled for courses you will find these courses and the status of your enrollment on the left side of the homepage. 

At the top right you will see a circle with your initials in it. If you click on the circle, you can find the settings and a button to log out

5. MyStudyMap

In MyStudyMap you can find your study and make your study plan. You can also use MyStudyPlan to enroll in courses and exams. More information about MyStudyMap can be found here

6. MyTimeTable

In MyTimeTable you can find your timetable. More information about MyTimeTable can be found here.  

7. Message center

In the Message center are all your received messages. More information about the Message center can be found here

8. Exams admission

At Exams admission you can find your exams and here you can enroll and unenroll for your exams. It is also here that you can confirm or cancel your participation in exams.

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