Student Support for Educational Systems

How do I enroll in a course?

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This article will explain how you can enroll in courses.

1. Opening your Study planning

Pre-master students, guest students, contract students or exchange students are denied acces to the studentportal. These students use usis to arrange their study related affairs and can contact the education administration office if additional help is needed.

It is possible to enroll in courses in your personal Study planning. You can find the Study planning by logging in to the student portal and selecting MyStudymap. You will see the following screen:

Next, select Study planning 2021 - 2022. Here you will be able to see your personal compulsory courses for the selected degree.

2. Adding a course to your Study planning

When this step is completed, your enrollment is not completed yet. Step 4 of this article explains how to finalize your enrollment in a course.

In your Study planning, you can enroll in courses and accompanying lectures, tutorials and exams. 

2.1. Adding a compulsory course

In your personal Study planning, you will see an overview of all the compulsory courses you have not completed yet. By selecting a course, you can enroll in a course and its accompanying activities. Click on CHOOSE ACTIVITIES and select the desired activities.

The image above shows how to enroll for a class and an exam. Confirm your selection by clicking Save.

2.2. Adding an extracurricular course/activity

Here you can also add extracurricular courses if this is compulsory for your degree. Some degrees and/or faculties require that these courses are first approved by the Board of Examiners and/or study advisor before these courses are included in your degree.

In order to add an extracurricular course or activity to your Study planning, scroll all the way down until you find the menu Electives/extra curricular:

In this menu, you can add a course/activity directly from the Prospectus. After searching and selecting the desired course, the course/activity will appear above the search bar. By selecting the course, it is now possible to enroll in the course and its accompanying activities via Choose activities.

2.3. Adding other activities

You can also add other activities to your study plan that are relevant to discuss with your study advisor for example. Think of internships or minors at other universities. You can use the text box at the bottom of the page for these activities.

When you are finished selecting all the activities you want to enroll in, you can make an export in Excel to discuss with your study advisor for example. You can read how to make an export here.

3. Your concept schedule

Students at the LUMC cannot view their schedule.

After adding courses to your Study planning, you can now see your concept schedule. This can be viewed by selecting the tab Schedule. Here you can check whether you are satisfied with the planning of your course for the whole semester, and you can see if activities overlap, marked with a red dot. The image above shows an example of a concept schedule (with conflicting activities).

4. Submitting your enrollments

After adding the desired study activities, you have to submit your enrollment. You can do this by selecting the tab Ready for enrollment. Here you can verify everything you want to enroll in. Activities from another semester, in which you cannot enroll yet, are also shown. You can submit your enrollment by selecting Send in the bottom right corner. 

The number shown at the tab Ready for enrollment refers to the number of activities you are actually going to enroll in. This number can be lower than the selected number of activities, due to activities from another semester in which you cannot enroll yet.

It may take a while for your enrollment to be completed. Check the status of your enrollment to see how far along you enrollment is.

Your enrollment is only complete when your enrollment is confirmed at the Enrollment status tab.

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