Student Support for Educational Systems

Class schedule FAQ

Updated on

Here we answer a few questions about the class schedule in uSis.

Note: We advice to look up your class schedule in MyTimetable instead of uSis for the most complete information on your schedule. 

Class schedule

Q: How can I view my schedule in uSis?
A: You can find your class schedule under the tile Class schedule on uSis. Where can I see my class schedule?

Q: How can I change my class schedule?
A: You can change your schedule by enrolling in different activities. How do I sign up for courses in uSis?

Q: How can I see which teacher gives which course?
A: Below your class schedule you can find the display options, make sure to tick Show Instructors and then click Refresh Calander.

Q: Is it possible to see a list of all my enrolled courses?
A: On the top of your Class Schedule you can find the option List View. Under the list view all your enrolled, dropped and waitlisted classes can be found in the form of a list.

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