Student Support for Educational Systems

Where can I find my study credits?

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In this guide you can find out where you can find your study credits in uSis.

ECTS overzicht

When you are logged into uSis there is a graph at the top of the main menu where you can quickly see your study credits. Here you will find all tracks that you are enrolled in in one overview. In the picture provided above the student has 160 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) of the 180 credits needed for the track History. For more detailed information on your study credits you can click the graph.

Tip: Mouse over the graph to get more information!

Mijn studievereisten

When you have clicked the graph you will enter the My Academic Requirements page. Here you can find out how many credits you have and how many you still need to earn for each specific year of your track. By clicking the green arrow, 1 in the picture above, you can see a detailed overview per course for that year.

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