Student Support for Educational Systems

How do I drop courses in uSis?

Updated on

In this guide you will find out how you can drop courses through uSis.

Note: Bachelor and master students have to use MyStudymap to drop courses. How can I unenroll from a course?

When logged into uSis click the tile Enrolled/Drop from the main menu.

If you are enrolled for both a Bachelor and a Master track or if the enrollment for the next academic year has already opened but the current academic year is still ongoing, you will be given the choice to select the correct term and career. Once you have selected the correct term, click the green Continue button.

You will now see a list of all courses for to which you are enrolled. In this overview, tick the courses you want to drop. Then click on the green button Drop Selected Classes. You will now see a confirmation screen where you click on Finish Dropping to complete the dropping of your class.

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