In this guide you will find out how you can check on the status of your petitions in uSis.
Status of your petitions.

When you are signed in on uSis you can click the tile Petitions to view more information about your petitions.

On this page you will find your petitions, you can find the following information here:
- Number, your petitions number in the university system.
- Type, which of the five types of petitions you have submitted. Which type of petitions are available in uSis?
- Description, Here you can find which course you have submitted a petition for. You can click the description to view your petition in detail.
- Status of your petition. Approved, withdrawn, rejected, concept, etc.
- Date, the date you submitted your request.
Are there no petitions in this list yet, but do you want to file a request? Check out How do I file a petition in uSis?