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Privacy Statement Zoom (English only)
Updated onArticleLeiden University considers privacy important and therefore handles your personal data with care. In this Privacy Statement we describe what happens to your personal data and how your privacy is safeguarded when you use Zoom.
Brightspace Brightspace English Privacy and Security
How do I add a video to Kaltura?
Updated onArticleThis article explains how to add a video to Kaltura in Brightspace. Kaltura My Media and Kaltura Course Gallery Adding media to Kaltura Edit media Publish Media
Brightspace Brightspace English Kaltura
How do I register for a group in the course?
Updated onArticleTeachers can make groups, for example to allow students to submit group assignments in Brightspace. You can join or view groups by clicking on Course Tools in the navbar of the course, and then on Groups. Here, you can view whether you have been enrolled into a group automatically. If this is the case, you will see the groups you are in under My Groups. Else, the teacher may have opted for self-enrollment, then you can register yourself for a group in Brightspace.
Brightspace Brightspace English Groups
How do I start a group discussion?
Updated onArticleTeachers can choose to create a topic per group. See How do I participate in a discussion? for more information about Discussions. A group discussion is only visible to group members and the instructor of the course.
Brightspace Brightspace English Groups
How do I use Lockers in a group?
Updated onArticleTeachers can make Group Lockers. Files can be shared easily and quickly in a Group Locker.Click on Group Files at My Groups to open the locker.
Brightspace Brightspace English Groups
How do I hand in a group assignment?
Updated onArticleSee How do I submit an Assignment? for more information about submitting assignments. With a group assignment, every group member can upload files.
Brightspace Brightspace English Groups
Where can I see my grades in Brightspace?
Updated onArticleInstructors can give grades in Brightspace. Grades can always be found in uSis, some instructors will also publish the grades on Brightspace.
Brightspace Brightspace English Grades
How do I adjust a reaction in a post?
Updated onArticleAfter posting a comment, it can still be adjusted. Click on the folding arrow next to the response. Then click on Edit Post. Adjust your response and click Update to update your response.
Brightspace Brightspace English Discussions
Why can't I see a Discussion?
Updated onArticleIt may be that the teacher has chosen not to make the Discussion visible, or for example that it is only visible after certain assignments have been completed or content has been visited. Check if this is the case with your lecturer. Furthermore, check if you are enrolled for a group. It is possible that your lecturer only made a discussion available for a specific group. Read this article on how to enroll for a group: How do I register for a group in the course?
Brightspace Brightspace English Discussions
Which settings can I adjust for a Discussion?
Updated onArticleHere you can read about which settings you can adjust for a Discussion
Brightspace Brightspace English Discussions